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These three projects highlight my skills gained in Python, SQL, Tableau, Spark, Machine Learning, and AWS. Along with those hard skills it shows my ability to work both independently and collaborative with group members. 

UFC Predictions

Team Project

The purpose of the project is the analyze historical UFC fight data to determine winners of future fights. To complete this analysis, our team performed an ETL on this data by using Jupyter Notebooks, Python, and PostgreSQL. After that, we applied supervised machine learning techniques to determine which fighter would win a fight. We finished by creating a dashboard using Tableau to show our findings. This project is currently a work in progress. Here is a link the project:



Amazon Vine Program

Solo Project

The purpose of the project is the analyze Amazon reviews written by members of the paid Amazon Vine program. In order to complete this analysis, I used a subset of data that pertained to the video game subcategory of Amazon. I then performed an ETL on this data by using AWS, Google Colaboratory, PostgreSQL, and PySpark. After that, I took a closer look at one of the tables I made during the ETL phase regarding the vine reviews to determine if there was any positivity bias for reviews in the Vine Program. Here is a link the project:


Citi Bike Sharing Program

Solo Project

The purpose of the project was to use data from New York City's Citi Bike program and see if it would be possible to recreate the program in De Moines, Iowa. In order to complete this analysis, I used Python's pandas library to clean up the data and then created visualizations of that data using Tableau. Here is a link to the project:

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